Dear colleagues,
I'm on BW 7.31 and created a planning DSO, see:
... now I have several questions:
I created a DSO with one SUM, MAX and MIN key figure and first forgot to tick the checkbox "Planning Enabled".
In that way I was able to create data manually via t-code RSINPUT... and a query on top of the DSO displayed all key figures correctly.
Then, I cleared the DSO and activated the checkbox "Planning Enabled".
Now, I'm getting an error message in RSINPUT, saying I cannot enter data anymore, due to this checkbox.
Q1) Why is it not possible to use RSINPUT here?
Then I created an aggregation level on top of the DSO, everything 1:1 and created an input ready query on top of that.
I put the settings to "input-ready" in all three key figures, and when I open it in RSRT or in AO, only the SUM key figure column is input ready.
Q2) What is the reason that the MAX and MIN key figure columns are not input ready?
Basically there is no difference and I don't know why it should not be possible to plan MIN/MAX in a DSO?
(Is it because the zero values - in case of an "error record" - would disturb the real MIN value? But for MAX this does not matter).
According to the link above only "NO2" aggregation should be possible besides SUM.
Q3) Really and if yes, why?
So far I only planned on infocubes, but I have a requirement about a MIN key figure, so I just wanted test the possibility.
Thanks a lot, Martin