Hi Experts,
I want to know how to map XML message- ReplenishmentOrderConfirmation_In ( in order to send PO confirmation from ECC to SNC, once PO is changes upon batch request as explained below)
Business scenario
1) Subcontractor/supplier gets a single line PO for finished item (e.g. 3600 EA)
2) Supplier confirms PO line item on SNC with delivery date etc..and , order acknowledgment (OA) is updated on ECC side, on PO confirmation tab.
3) When supplier is ready to produce he need a batch ID and requests a batch ID via portal (custom enhancement). Supplier enters the production date, the vendor lot # and the production batch quantity. Note: here the batch quantity is 1000 but the PO requested quantity was 3600
4) Portal gets responds with a batch ID from ECC (custom enhancement), and a manufacturing code. In addition, a new PO line item is created for the 2600 balance (3600-1000 = 2600) on same PO in ECC & SNC both.
Now the issue is when the PO updated with changed qty & second line, the confirmation data is missing on SNC , that origianlly confirmed by vendor.
So Is there any way to trigger above XML and update confirmation data from ECC to SNC for both line items? Let me know id there is any additional config or BADI can be used?