Hi !
We have the following setup:
Portal points to a number of backend systems.
In the system object, we have the F5 name : port maintained.
External access is Ok.
The problem is with this setup even internal users are routed to the DMZ (F5) & back.
We wish for the internal users to get routed only via the internal WD.
I've read about Portal Desktop rules, Dynamic Resolution etc.
Have also read that its possible using DNS entries...
We've called the WD by the F5 name internally but then the URL that the user accesses changes.
For eg.:
External URL:
Internal URL:
Where the external URL hits the F5 & the internal URL the WD.
We would prefer to have one URL common for both...just with different routes...
Kindly advise if we can logically have 2 Portals in terms of System Objects...or any other way to accomplish the above...
Thanks a lot !