I have typical mapping question in IDOC TO file The file is of type IDOC ( we are sending IDOC XML as target file)
The scenario is s, i have to populate a value in target segment of IDOC based on the valye from source.
However the Source occurrence is more then target ( for e.g Surce occurs 5 time where as target nly 2 time)
Let's say source has
<Segment 1>
<value 1>
<value 2>
<Segment 2>
. <value 1>
<value 2>
<Segment 3>
. <value 1>
<value 2>
Now target will be only 2 iteration..
Result value would be
If value 1 = X
then Result = value 2
Please advice how to handle the context as they are at diff level..