Hello All,
I have gone through varied sap help documents and videos for the configuration step cycle - ERP->C4C->HCI.
Based on SAP provisioning mail - we have 3 urls -
Web UI URL (Access via web browser)
Management URL (Access via Eclipse HCI plugin)
Runtime URL (Webservice url to be configured in backend systems)
I am stuck at following places -
1. Web UI URL - https://exxxx-xxx.hci.xxx.hana.ondemand.com/itspaces
here iFlows needs to be downloaded , which can be used ahead in Eclipse
Issue - using the shared URL and
SId - S001xxxxx9 and pwd -I am getting user authentication error and
on using mail id and pwd - I am getting HTTP 403Forbidden error
2. Management URL - https://exxxx-xxx.hci.xxx.hana.ondemand.com
Under Eclipse plugin - > going on to Preferences - > configure operation servers - > specify connection details -_test connection
issue - here I am using the management URL and SID and pwd
then i am getting Logon error - username or password incorrect on checking test connection
Now,I have already regenerated new password using forgot password link
even tried raising incident from help center and also using sap business center.
Uisng the Mail and the password,we are able to log in SAP Hana Cloud Platform cockpit.
I need guidance regarding-
1. which combination of username (s id/p id ) and pwd should be used and also verify
2. step to resolve this current errors
3.HCI configuration directions steps/summary (if i have missed anything from videos and docs)