Good day guys,
Trust you are doing well. I have been hanging with issue since couple of days. Please guide me.
I would like to add a custom filed into screen variant which is going to define in Define Variants for Manual bank statement.
Field name is : RKLAMMER[finance project].
I thought of if i add the custom field[RKLAMMER] into FEBMKK structure then its going to populated into screen variant level[OT43 t.code level] but it doetsn't appear at possible fields level[ot43 t.code]. I am viewing the all fields from FEBMKK in possible fields but except my custom field.
Then i have debug the strand program[SAPDFKA6] and find the reason.First its importing the fields into V_DYNPRO_F table then its validating some condition and passing the fields to VORTAB AND FLDTAB internal table.While importing the all fields into V_DYNPRO_F internal table, it doesn't bring RKLAMMER field. So i have used the enhancement sport and populating the value[FEBMKK-RKLMMER] into VORTAB and FLDTAB.
Field value is passing the getting the value into possible fields level[OT43 t.code] and insert the value[RKLAMMER] into Current Fields side in screen variant. and Successfully Screen variant was created but if i see the screen display it not showing RKLAMMER field.
Example : if my screent variant got below fields into current fields then it showing all fields but except RKLAMMER field only. I didnt understand tht whts the reason behind.
Process: Go To FF67-->Settings-->Specification--> Here select our screent varaint at Start variant level--->Enter and Give the Values into Bank Key,Bank Account,Currency,
Statement Number,Statement Date,Opening Balance, and Closing Balance -->hit the enter.Its shows our custom screen variant at Bank Statement items level. Here its not showing the RKLAMMER filed.
Thank you very much.