Hi All,
i have one field symbol and one internal table.
Filed symbol is pointing to the other table which is active table of DSO. Now i want to pass whole data of table via field symbol to the mentain intrenal table withhout loop statement.
Can it possible.?
i want to replace below loop code and pass whole filed symbol data to internal table
<lfs_one> TYPE ANY TABLE,<lfs_view> TYPE ANY.
CONCATENATE 'GT_' iv_view INTO lv_txt.
ASSIGN (lv_txt) TO <lfs_one>.
CONCATENATE 'GS_' iv_view INTO lv_txt.
ASSIGN (lv_txt) TO <lfs_view>.
LOOP AT <lfs_one> INTO <lfs_view>.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <lfs_view> to gs_one-d1.
APPEND gs_one to gty_one.
Request you to please help me on this.