Hi Experts,
I just started learning UI5. I started an application to implement complete navigation of OData Service from
The Goal of the application is
First I need to show Categories split app ( Master Page)
If I select any Category application should show only Products related that category.
By Googling I was able to move half way but second of I am unable to move forward
Current application status is like this
I am using Component.js to navigate from one view to other
When I execute application I am getting results as below
When I click on any Category it should show the products on details page
just like using this Service
if you execute above link in IE you will get Products only related to Categories(0)
So based on this concept
in ProductsList Page I was able to get the context for above in the following way
this.catIndex = evt.getParameter('arguments').catIndex;
var context = sap.ui.getCore().byId("app").getModel('products').getContext('/Categories(' + this.catIndex + ')/Products');
Once the binding was done in controller if I use the following binding for list
path : "products>/Categories/Products",
template : new sap.m.StandardListItem({
title: "{products>Name}",
type: sap.m.ListType.Navigation,
I am getting list of all the products irrespective of Categories
But if I hard bind like this
path : "products>/Categories(1)/Products",
template : new sap.m.StandardListItem({
title: "{products>Name}",
type: sap.m.ListType.Navigation,
I am getting correct products related to Category(1)
Now my question is how can I dynamically set the context for model
If that is not possible how can I pass dynamic path to the view base on the selection