Hi All,
My customer wants to add document/picture while starting and completing a work order. In order for performing this process I changed the WorkOrderStart and WorkOrderComplete actions while adding AddPicture sub action. (I do not truely remember which one was standard so I am going to share both of them)
And here are the details of AddPicture sub action:
My scenario is in iOS client:
- Push start work order button, take picture. Then work order status is set as STARTED.
- Push complete work order button, take picture. Then work order status is set as COMPLETED.
- Transmit the work order to ERP.
The problem is, I am not able to list any document for that work order in ERP side (iw33 Tcode).
I am using Agentry Test Environment in Blackberry platform to view transactions, objects and collections datas. When I perform this scenario in Blackberry platform I can see 2 documentr in DocumentLinks collection, but I am not able to list them in ERP side (iw33).
Here are steps:
- Started work order 30001529
2. Complete work order
There is 2 objects in DocumentLinks collections.
3. Perfrom transmit
4. Check iw33.
There is no document for this work order.
While transmitting I could not debug CREATE and UPDATE methods of /SMERP/CL_PM_WORKORDER_DO class, but I could debug UPDATE_WO_MOBILE_STATUS method of this class but I could not find any information documents in this method.
Could you please help me?
Best Regards,