Promotion Management fails for a non-administrator User Group on our BI Platform, but works for administrators.
Logged into the CMC as a user in the non-administrator group, creating jobs works. Logging into production and development environments through Promotion Management to access objects works (Crystal Report, Word Doc, Text Doc, etc.). Also, please note that the group has full control (in both environments) over the folder that contains the objects to promote.
Jobs fail when attempting to them, although the status presented is not "Failed". Instead the status of the job remains "Created" and does not change. The trace returns the following errors:
- Job Promotion Failed: The specified Job instance is not valid.
- Error in adding Audit event detail. Please refer to the stack trace.
- com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKException$InvalidArg: The argument has an invalid value bunch (FWM 02024)
If I log into the CMC as an administrator and attempt to promote the same job created by the non-administrator user, the job promotes successfully.
Additional setup information:
- An Access Level is being used that has rights for Promotion Jobs, Promotion Management, Crystal Reports, and General Rights to Add objects to the Folder and Viewing Objects.
- The Access Level is applied for the non-administrative group for:
- Properties under the Promotion Management Application.
- Accessing the LCM Folder
- Top-Level Security for Access Levels
- Top-Level Security for Temporary Storage.