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Trex ccms_config.py file syntax error


Dear Experts,


im trying to enable the CCMS Monitoring for our Trex system.


im following the guide : Configuring Monitoring of Availability (Heartbeat/GRMG) :


im stuck at the step of :

xecute the following command to configure monitoring of availability (heartbeat/GRMG):

python ccms_config.py --grmg

as it gives me the error :

File "<stdin>", line 1

  python ccms_config.py --grmg



i have not edited this file at all yet i cant know the root cause of the error and i have no python coding experince to debug the issue.

below is the script of the file :


#!/usr/bin/env python
# TREX CCMS configuration script
# Part of TREX SAPINST installation package
# This script runs on Windows(TM) and on the supported TREX UNIX platforms;
# it must be run under sidadm permissions
# This script installs the configuration files needed to enhance #the 
# supportability of TREX, as correlated to the term 'CCMS'.
# This means Paramater reporting, Process monitoring, Alert monitoring,
# GRMG Heart Beat.
# It is also used for deinstalling these features for one TREX instance.
# Herefore, the script 'ccms_deconfig.py' calls it with the '-u' #option.
# Related are the SAP agent programs 'saposcol' and 'sapccmsr'.
# It does no installation/deinstallation ot the SAP agents.
# The features listed above may be switched on by options, #without any option,
# all features are (de-)installed.
# All output is appended to a log file, the file name is also an #option.
# The script is intended to be called by SAPINST on installation/upgrade time.
# The correlated 'ccms_deconfig's cript is intended to be called #by SAPINST
# at Deinstallation of a TREX instance.
# It may also be called by hand from the command line after the #installation.
# Used Environment Variables:
# SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH : the only hook which TREX instance the #script belongs to
#                      must be set
# DONTDOIT : if this variable is set, the script execution is #canceled (Skip())
# DEBUG: any value switches on trace output
# SAPINST_MESSAGE_DEVLOG_THRESHOLD: value 'trace' switches on #trace output
# the last variable is used by SAPINST
#{([    these are for parentheses balancing check
#       the #{ and #} pairs are here for more security against #indent errors
# python imports
import types
import os, sys, time
import socket, traceback, re, getopt, popen2
import ConfigParser # ini file handler
# trex imports
import ConfigMgrPy  # for sapgparam() call
#     Options: all option switches of this script
class Options:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        self.longoptions = ["help", "debug", "logmon", "procmon", "grmg",                            "ccms", "ccmsinst", "uninstall", "file=", "restart",                            "register", "unregister", "superuser=",                            "force", "fakeit"]        self.options     = "Fh?dlrpgicuf:URS:"        # some globally used flag settings:        self.logfile     = None        self.debugFlag   = 0        self.fakeFlag    = 0        self.removeFlag  = 0        self.logmonFlag  = 0        self.procmonFlag = 0        self.grmgFlag    = 0        self.ccmsFlag    = 0        self.ccmsInstFlag= 0        self.restartFlag = 0        self.registFlag  = 0        self.unregistFlag= 0        self.forceFlag   = 0        self.logDirFlag  = 1   # will be 0 on 700_COR        self.superUser   = "root"    #}    def installing(self):        return self.removeFlag == 0        def check(self):    #{        try:            switches, arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], self.options, self.longoptions)        except getopt.GetoptError:        #{            # print help information and exit:            print "Aborted on option error.\n"            self.usage()            sys.exit(2)        #}        switched = 0        for option, arg in switches:        #{            if option in ("-h", "-?", "--help"):                self.usage()                sys.exit(1)            if option in ("-f", "--file"):                self.logfile = arg            if option in ("-S", "--superuser"):                self.superUser = arg            if option in ("-d", "--debug"):                self.debugFlag = 1            if option in (      "--fakeit",):  # hidden                 self.fakeFlag = 1            if option in ("-u", "--uninstall"):                self.removeFlag = 1            if option in ("-l", "--logmon"):                self.logmonFlag = 1                switched = 1            if option in ("-p", "--procmon"):                self.procmonFlag = 1                switched = 1            if option in ("-g", "--grmg"):                self.grmgFlag = 1                switched = 1            if option in ("-c", "--ccms"):                self.ccmsFlag = 1                switched = 1            if option in ("-i", "--ccmsinst"):                self.ccmsFlag = 1                self.ccmsInstFlag = 1                switched = 1            if option in ("-R", "--register"):                self.registFlag = 1            if option in ("-U", "--unregister"):                self.unregistFlag = 1            if option in ("-r", "--restart"):                self.restartFlag = 1            if option in ("-F", "--force"):                self.forceFlag = 1        #}        # exclusive: if ccmsinst given, do nothin else        if self.ccmsInstFlag:            self.logmonFlag, self.procmonFlag, self.grmgFlag  = 0,0,0        # default: if no option is given: all has to be done, switch it on        if not switched:            self.logmonFlag, self.procmonFlag, self.grmgFlag = 1,1,1        if self.registFlag and self.unregistFlag:            print("Option error: options -R/--register and -U/--unregister are exclusive");            sys.exit(1)        if self.registFlag and not self.ccmsFlag:            print("Option error: option -R/--register must be set together with -c/--ccms");            sys.exit(1)        if self.unregistFlag and not self.ccmsFlag:            print("Option error: option -U/--unregister must be set together with -c/--ccms");            sys.exit(1)        if self.unregistFlag and not self.removeFlag :            print("Option error: option -U/--unregister must be set together with -u/--uninstall");            sys.exit(1)                    #}  check()    def usage(self):    #{        print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "[options...]", """        Manages TREX supportability features.        Options are:        -u        | --uninstall: uninstall yet installed supportability features        -f <fn>   | --file=<fn>  write log output to given file <fn>        -d        | --debug:     get more log output                                 if no feature options are given, all of the following are switched on:        -l        | --logmon:    manage log file monitoring templates        -p        | --procmon:   manage process monotoring options used by saposcol        -g        | --grmg:      manage GRMG-'Heart Beat' service        -i        | --ccmsinst:  manage parameter reporting facility as plug-in to instance specific agent 'sapccmsr'                                 the -i option disables the options -l -p -g and -b (used by installer)        -c        | --ccms:      manage parameter reporting facility as plug-in to agent 'sapccmsr'        -R        | --register   register sapccmsr on central system        -U        | --unregister unregister sapccmsr from central system        -S <super> | --superuser <super>  define superuser name: use <super> instead of 'root'"""
#DEL     if (os.name != "nt"):        print     "        -r      | --restart:   (re-)start the Saposcol and Sapccmsr Services, if installed"        print     "        -F      | --force:     install supportability related files even if saposcol/sapccmsr not yet installed"    #}
#}  end Options
#   Log: provides logging feature: write to stdout and into log file  
class Log:
#{    def __init__(self, tag, debugging=0, fileName=None):    #{        self.tagstring = tag        self.debugging = debugging        self.sep = "--------------------|--------|--------------------------------------------------"                self.logFileName = "ccms_config.log"        if not fileName is None:            self.logFileName = fileName         try:            self.logFile = open(self.logFileName, "a")        except:            self.logFile = None            self.error("ATTENTION: log file could NOT be written: " + self.logFileName)        var = os.getenv("SAPINST_MESSAGE_DEVLOG_THRESHOLD")        if var:            if var == "trace": self.debugging = 1        if os.getenv("DEBUG"): self.debugging = 1    #}    def tag(self, tag):        self.tagstring = tag    def logging(self, severity, message):    #{        dt=time.localtime()        datum="%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (dt[0], dt[1], dt[2], dt[3], dt[4], dt[5])        try:            if (self.logFile):                 self.logFile.write( "%s |  %s | %s: %s \n" % ( datum, severity, self.tagstring, message ) )        except:            pass        print                       "%s |  %s | %s: %s "   % ( datum, severity, self.tagstring, message )            #}    def separator(self):    #{        print self.sep        try:            if (self.logFile):                 self.logFile.write(self.sep+'\n')        except:            pass    #}    def stack(self):    #{        tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)        for l in tr: self.logging("ERROR", l)    #}    def log(self, text):   self.logging( "INFO ", text )    def debug(self, text):        if self.debugging: self.logging( "DEBUG", text )    def error(self, text): self.logging( "ERROR", text )
#     Abort: is used for finishing and returning 'ERROR' to SAPINST 
class Abort(Exception):
#    def __init__(self,args = None):
#        logtrace()
#        self.args=args
#    def logging(self):    #{        log.stack()        txt=""        for t in self.args: txt += t        log.error(txt)    #}
#     Skip: is used for canceling script but returning result 'OK' to SAPINST
class Skip(Exception):
#{    def logging(self):    #{        log.stack()        txt=""        for t in self.args: txt += t        log.error(txt)    #}
#     Fake: test all stuff in /tmp/CCMS or C:\temp\CCMS instead of real places
class TestFAKER:  
#                must copy all to this directory before start fake testing
#                this is /etc/rc?.d, /etc/init.d and /usr/sap/tmp/sapccmsr etc
#{    def __init__(self, faking=0):    #{        self.path=""        self.faking = faking | switches.fakeFlag        if (self.faking):        #{            if os.name == "nt":                self.path = r'c:\temp\CCMS'            else:                self.path = "/tmp/CCMS"            log.log("Called for tests only: use %s as root of all installations" % self.path)            if not os.access(self.path, os.F_OK):                os.makedirs(self.path)        #}    #}
class Daemon:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        log.debug("Initializing Daemon")        self.httpd = False        self.grmg = False        self.names = [ "TREXNameServer", "TREXIndexServer", "TREXQueueServer", "TREXPreprocessor", "TREXCruiser" ]        self.ports={}        for n in self.names: self.ports[n] = -1 # -1 indicates a server not configured in Daemon.ini        self.ports["never"] = -1        self.inifile = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(), "TREXDaemon.ini")        try:            c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()            c.OPTCRE = re.compile(r'(?P<option>[^:=\s][^:=]*)(\s*(?P<vi>[:=])\s*)?(?P<value>.*)$')            c.read([self.inifile])            self.grmg = c.has_section("grmg")            ps = []            for i in c.items("daemon"):                if i[0] == 'programs':                    p = i[1]                    ps = p.split(',')                    for j in range(0, len(ps)):  ps[j] =ps[j].strip()                    break            for progsect in ps:                log.debug("handle section " + progsect)                port = 0                name = 'never'                try:                    prog = c.get(progsect, "executable")                    log.debug("handle program " + prog)                    if prog == 'httpd':                        self.httpd = True                        continue                    name = self.checkServer(prog)                except: continue                try:                    args = c.get(progsect, 'arguments')                    log.debug("arguments: " + args)                    if '-port' in args:                        words = args.split() # strips off extra blanks                        if len(words) > 1: port = int(words[1])                        log.debug("Found %s port %d" % ( name, port ))                except: pass                if self.ports[name] == -1: self.ports[name] = port # take only the fist server of same kind        except:           log.error("Cannot analyze " + self.inifile)     #}    def checkServer(self, name):        app = '.x'        if os.name.upper() == 'NT': app = '.exe'        for n in self.names:           if name  == n + app: return n        return 'never'    def append(self, lines):        try:            f = open(self.inifile, "a")            for line in lines: f.write(line + '\n'); log.debug(self.inifile + " append: " + line)            f.close()        except:            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("Could not append to " + self.inifile)    def indexServerPort(self):   return self.ports["TREXIndexServer"]    def preproServerPort(self):  return self.ports["TREXPreprocessor"]    def queueServerPort(self):   return self.ports["TREXQueueServer"]    def nameServerPort(self):    return self.ports["TREXNameServer"]    def cruiserServerPort(self): return self.ports["TREXCruiser"]    def webServerActive(self):   return self.httpd    def grmgSection(self):       return self.grmg
#}   Daemon
def watchProcess(command):
#{    output = []    result = 0    log.debug("Execute command: " + command)    if os.name == 'nt':    #{   here, class Popen4 is not defined        reader, writer = popen2.popen4(command)        line = reader.readline()        while len(line):            output.append(line)            log.debug("-->> " + line.strip("\r\n"))            line = reader.readline()        writer.close();        result = reader.close()        if result is None: result = 0    #}    else:    #{        log.debug("call system[%s]" % command)        pipes = popen2.Popen4(command);        result = pipes.wait()        while 1:        #{            line = pipes.fromchild.readline()            if len(line) == 0: break            output.append(line)            log.debug("-->> " + line.strip("\r\n"))        #}    #}    log.debug("Result %d" % result)    if result != 0: log.log("Execution of command [%s] returned error code: %d" % ( command, result ))    return ( output, result == 0 )
#     TrexHOME: all information relevant to actual TREX instance
class TrexHOME:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{                ######################################################################        # CAVEAT: the SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH is here expected to have        #         <hostname> directory appended !!!!!        ######################################################################        self.home = os.getenv('SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH')        if self.home is None:            raise Abort("SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH is undefined!", "aborted")        else:            self.home = os.path.normpath(self.home)            log.log("SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH is [" + self.home + "]")        self.host = socket.gethostname()        ( self.main, host ) = os.path.split(self.home)        if not ( host.lower() == self.host.lower()):            log.error( "SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH contains host %s differing from real hostname %s (ignored)" % ( host, self.host ) )        self.home = os.path.join(self.main, self.host) # SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH, 'hostname-directory'        (siddir, self.instdir) = os.path.split(self.main)        (self.usrsap, self.SID)     = os.path.split(siddir)        # TODO have to check SID for [A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]        # TODO have to check for SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH like ../usr/sap/SID/TREX00        log.log("SID: " + self.SID)        log.log("instance dir: " + self.instdir)        self.instance = self.main[-2 : ] # cut off last 2 digits of SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH which are the instance no        self.platform = sys.platform        log.log("actual platform is " + self.platform)        self.handler = FileHandler()        self.handler.addPattern(r'^listenport[ \t]*=+[ \t]*([0-9]+)', r'\1')  # used for all <server>Port() functions below        os.chdir(self.main);        if os.name == 'nt':        #{            driveLetter = self.home[0]   # should be ok after normpath()            checker = r'%s:\usr\sap' % driveLetter + os.path.sep + self.SID            if not os.path.dirname(self.main) == checker:                log.log("SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH expected below %s, but found at %s -- please check if this is correct!" % (checker, self.main))        #}        else:        #{            if not os.path.dirname(self.main) == os.path.join("/usr/sap" , self.SID):                 log.log("SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH expected below /usr/sap, but found at: " + self.main + " please check if this is correct!")        #}        self.dir_profile  = ConfigMgrPy.sapgparam("DIR_PROFILE")        self.dir_global   = ConfigMgrPy.sapgparam("DIR_GLOBAL")        self.profile      = os.path.join(self.dir_profile, "%s_%s_%s" % (self.SID, self.instdir, self.host))        self.startProfile = os.path.join(self.dir_profile, "START_%s_%s" % (self.instdir, self.host))        if not os.path.exists(self.startProfile): self.startProfile = self.profile    #}  end __init__    def getSysdir(self):        #        # try reg.exe utility to read registry entry for sapstartsrv service        service = "SAP%s_%s" % (self.SID, self.instance) # like SAPDEV_03        cmd = "reg query HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s /v ImagePath" % service        output, rc = watchProcess(cmd)        dir=""        if rc and len(output):            for line in output:                i = line.find("pf=")                if i != -1:                   j=line.find("profile")                   dir = line[i+4 : j-1]                   log.log("found SYS directory out of registry: " + dir)                   break        #        # if no reg.exe, or other error: try sapcontrol querying running sapstartsrv        if not dir:   # try sapcontrol            cmd = "sapcontrol -nr %s -function ParameterValue DIR_INSTALL" % self.instance            output, rc = watchProcess(cmd)            dir=""            if rc and len(output) >= 6 and output[3].strip() == "OK":               dir = output[5].strip()               log.log("found SYS directory using sapcontrol: " + dir)        if not dir:            raise Abort( "Could not get SAPGLOBALHOST variable for instance profile access; Please start TREX instance" )        return dir    def addCcmsToProfile(self, registered):    #{        standalone = (not registered) and "-standalone" or ""        nodaemon   = (os.name == "posix") and "-nodaemon" or ""        ccmsrName  = os.path.join("$(DIR_EXECUTABLE)","sapccmsr$(FT_EXE)")        handler    = FileHandler()        handler.setPattern(r'^([ \t]*Start_Program_.*sapccmsr.*)')        if not handler.matchFile(self.startProfile):        #{            number=0            output=open(self.startProfile+".new","w+")            for line in file(self.startProfile,"r").readlines():            #{                l = line.strip()                if l.startswith("Start_Program_"):                    n = int(l[14:16])                    if n > number: number = n                if line.startswith("ccms/enable_agent"):                    log.debug("disable sapstartsrv from being MTE delivery agent")                    line = "ccms/enable_agent = 0\n"                output.write(line)            #}            startline = "Start_Program_%02d = local %s pf=%s -j2ee %s %s -DCCMS\n" % ( number+1, ccmsrName, self.profile, standalone, nodaemon )            output.write("#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")            output.write("# Start sapccmsr Agent\n")            output.write("#-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")            output.write(startline)            output.close()            handler.renameFile(self.startProfile, self.startProfile + ".bak")            handler.renameFile(self.startProfile+".new", self.startProfile)        #}        else:            line = handler.matched.strip()            number = line[14:16]            startline = "Start_Program_%s = local %s pf=%s -j2ee %s %s -DCCMS" % ( number, ccmsrName, self.profile, standalone, nodaemon )            handler.setPattern(r'^([ \t]*Start_Program_.*sapccmsr.*)', handler.doubleBS(startline))            handler.addPattern("^ccms/enable_agent.*$",  "ccms/enable_agent = 0")            #if line == startline: return # already found as needed            # standalone flag has changed or other changes            handler.convertFile(self.startProfile, self.startProfile + ".new")            handler.renameFile(self.startProfile, self.startProfile + ".bak")            handler.renameFile(self.startProfile+".new", self.startProfile)    #}    def delCcmsFromProfile(self):    #{        handler    = FileHandler()        handler.setPattern(r'^([ \t]*Start_Program_.*sapccmsr.*)', r'#deactivated# \1')        if handler.matchFile(self.startProfile):            handler.convertFile(self.startProfile, self.startProfile+".new")            handler.renameFile (self.startProfile, self.startProfile+".bak")            handler.renameFile (self.startProfile+".new", self.startProfile)    #}    def check(self):    #{        if (os.name == "posix"):        #{            if not switches.ccmsInstFlag:                if not (os.getuid() == 0):                    if not testFAKER.faking:                        pass  # raise Abort("You have to call this script with ROOT privileges")                     else:                        log.log("TEST FAKING this script: accept to be non-root user")        #}        if not os.getenv("DONTDOIT") is None:            raise Skip("%s cancelled because of DONTDOIT environment variabe being defined" % sys.argv[0])    #}  end check    def baseName(self):            return os.path.basename(self.home)    def trexMain(self):            return self.main    def trexHome(self):            return self.home  # SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH, 'hostname-directory'    def makePath(self, directory): return os.path.join(self.home, directory)    def trexInstance(self):        return self.instance    def trexHost(self):            return self.host    def trexExe(self):             return os.path.join(self.main, "exe")    def trexSid(self):             return self.SID    def usrSap(self):              return self.usrsap    def instanceProfile(self):     return self.profile    def trexTemplates(self):       return os.path.join(self.dir_global,"trex","templates")    def indexServerPort(self):        return self.handler.extractString(os.path.join(self.trexHome(), "TREXIndexServer.ini"))    def queueServerPort(self):        return self.handler.extractString(os.path.join(self.trexHome(), "TREXQueueServer.ini"))    def preproServerPort(self):        return self.handler.extractString(os.path.join(self.trexHome(), "TREXPreprocessor.ini"))    def nameServerPort(self):        return self.handler.extractString(os.path.join(self.trexHome(), "TREXNameServer.ini"))    def cruiserServerPort(self):        return self.handler.extractString(os.path.join(self.trexHome(), "TREXCruiser.ini"))        
#}  end TrexHOME
#   Agents: information related to CCMS agents saposcol and sapccmse: paths
class Agents:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        log.tag("Agents")        log.debug("initializing")        self.host = socket.gethostname()        self.agentBin    = trex.trexExe()  # "/usr/sap/<SID>/TRX<instance>/exe"        self.agentHome   = testFAKER.path + trex.usrSap()   # d:\usr\sap        if os.name == 'nt':            nul = " 2>nul"            exe=".exe"        else:            nul = " 2>/dev/null"            exe=""        self.ccmsDir     = os.path.join( self.agentHome, "ccms")        cmd = "sappfpar pf="+trex.instanceProfile()+" DIR_CCMS"+nul        output, rc = watchProcess(cmd)        if rc and len(output):                self.ccmsDir = output[0]                log.debug("got ccmsDir: " + self.ccmsDir)        self.ccmsDir     = os.path.join( self.ccmsDir, trex.trexSid() + "_" + trex.trexInstance())        self.sapccmsr    = os.path.join( self.ccmsDir, "sapccmsr" ); # directory /usr/sap/ccms/SID_01/sapccmsr        self.saposcolExe = os.path.join(self.agentBin, "saposcol"+exe)        self.sapccmsrExe = os.path.join(self.agentBin, "sapccmsr"+exe)        self.procmon     = os.path.join(self.ccmsDir, "procmon")        self.logmon      = os.path.join(self.ccmsDir, "logmon")        self.grmg        = os.path.join(self.ccmsDir, "grmg")        self.lastTrexMonitored = 0    # flag if thes actual TREX is the last found in paramter reporting        self.saposcolFound = 0        self.sapccmsrFound = 0        self.stoppedSapccmsr = 0      # we did not stop the service ( 1 means: yes we did it)        self.saposcolStarted = 0        self.sapccmsrStarted = 0        self.handler = FileHandler()        self.handler.setPattern( r'^([ \t]*DIR_LOGGING.*)')        if self.handler.matchFile(trex.instanceProfile()):            self.loggingDirDefined=1            # retrieve the DIR_LOGGING value: the user may have entered another directory as we do here            cmd = "sappfpar pf="+trex.instanceProfile()+" DIR_LOGGING"+nul            output, rc = watchProcess(cmd)            if rc and len(output):                self.dirLogging = output[0]                log.log("CCMS files will be hosted in: " + self.dirLogging)                self.settings()        else:            self.loggingDirDefined=0            self.dirLogging = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(), "log")            log.debug("dirLogging: " + self.dirLogging)    #}  end __init__    # correct some file locations    def settings(self):    #{        log.debug("settings called")        if os.name == 'nt':            self.sapccmsr    = os.path.join(self.dirLogging, "sapccmsr")  # like /usr/sap/<SID>/TRX01/<host>/log/sapccmsr            self.logmon      = os.path.join(self.dirLogging, "logmon")            self.grmg        = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(),"trace","grmg") # here, sapccmsr searches really for GRMG upload files        else: # UNIX:
#            if not (switches.ccmsInstFlag):
#                self.agentBin    = self.agentHome + "/ccms/bin"   # "/usr/sap/ccms/bin"
#                self.sapccmsr    = self.agentHome + "/tmp/sapccmsr"            self.sapccmsr    = os.path.join(self.dirLogging, "sapccmsr")  # like /usr/sap/<SID>/TRX01/<host>/log/sapccmsr            self.logmon      = os.path.join(self.dirLogging, "logmon")            self.grmg        = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(),"trace","grmg") # here, sapccmsr searches really for GRMG upload files    #}  end settings()    def check(self):    #{        if os.access(self.saposcolExe, os.F_OK|os.X_OK): self.saposcolFound = 1        if os.access(self.sapccmsrExe, os.F_OK|os.X_OK): self.sapccmsrFound = 1        if not switches.installing(): return        if not os.access(self.agentHome, os.F_OK):            log.log("CCMS agents home directory %s not yet existing, will be generated" % self.agentHome)        if not os.access(self.sapccmsr, os.F_OK):            log.log("CCMS directory %s not yet existing, will be generated" % self.sapccmsr)        if switches.ccmsInstFlag: return 1        if not os.access(self.logmon, os.F_OK):            log.log("CCMS 'logmon' directory %s not yet existing, will be generated" % self.logmon)        if not os.access(self.grmg, os.F_OK):            log.log("CCMS 'grmg' directory %s not yet existing, will be generated" % self.grmg)
#DEL    if not os.access(self.saposcolExe, os.F_OK|os.X_OK):
#DEL        log.log("Hint: CCMS agent '%s' not yet installed, you may do it later on" % self.saposcolExe)
#DEL    if not os.access(self.sapccmsrExe, os.F_OK|os.X_OK):
#DEL        log.log("Hint: CCMS agent '%s' not yet installed, you may do it later on" % self.sapccmsrExe)        return 1    #}    def checkDir(self,dir):        if os.name == "posix":            if not os.path.exists(dir):                parent=os.path.dirname(dir)                if not os.path.exists(parent): self.checkDir(parent) # now exists                if not self.writeable(parent): self.sucommand("mkdir " + dir + "&& chmod a+w " + dir)                else: os.makedirs(dir)            else:                if not self.writeable(dir): self.sucommand("chmod a+w "+dir)                return        else:            if not os.path.exists(dir):                os.makedirs(dir)    def writeable(self,dir):        if os.access(dir,os.W_OK): return 1        s = os.stat(dir)        if s.st_uid == os.getuid():           try:               os.chmod(dir, s.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR)               return 1           except:               log.debug("chmod exception: "+str(sys.exc_value))               return 0        else:           return 0    def sucommand(self,command):        log.log("This command has to be called with superuser privileges: " +command)        log.log("Enter the password of superuser '%s'" % switches.superUser)        cmd = "su %s -c '%s'" % (switches.superUser, command)        r = os.system(cmd)        if r != 0: raise Abort("su command [%s] failed" % cmd)       def addDirLogging(self):    #{        if not switches.logDirFlag or self.loggingDirDefined: return        try:            pf = open(trex.instanceProfile()+".new", "w+")            d=0            for line in file(trex.instanceProfile(),"r").readlines():            #{                pf.write(line)                if line.startswith("DIR_") and not d:                    d=1                elif d==1:                    # this equals to /usr/sap/SID/TREX00/<host>/log == trex.trexHome() + "/log"                    line = "DIR_LOGGING=$(DIR_INSTANCE)"+os.sep+"$(SAPLOCALHOST)"+os.sep+"log"+"\n"                    pf.write(line)                    log.log("write DIR_LOGGING to " + trex.instanceProfile())                    log.debug("line: " + line)                    d=2            #}            pf.close()            self.handler.renameFile(trex.instanceProfile(), trex.instanceProfile()+".bak")            self.handler.renameFile(trex.instanceProfile()+".new", trex.instanceProfile())            old = self.sapccmsrPath()            self.settings()                        for f in ( "csmconf", "passwd"):                src=os.path.join(old,f)                dst=os.path.join(self.sapccmsrPath(),f)                if os.path.exists(src):                    if not os.path.exists(dst) or self.handler.isNewer(src,dst): self.handler.copyFile(src,dst)        except:            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("Cannot add DIR_LOGGING to instance profile %s" % trex.instanceProfile())    #}    def run(self):    #{        pass
#        if not os.access(self.agentBin, os.F_OK):
#            os.makedirs( self.agentBin)
#        if not os.access(self.sapccmsr, os.F_OK):
#            os.makedirs( self.sapccmsr)
#        if not os.access(self.logmon, os.F_OK):
#            os.mkdir(    self.logmon)
#        if not os.access(self.grmg, os.F_OK):
#            os.mkdir(    self.grmg)    #}    def saposcolRunning(self):    #{        output, rc = watchProcess(self.saposcolExe + " -s")        if len(output) > 2 and output[2][0:9] == "  running":            log.debug("saposcol seams to be running")            return 1        return 0    #}    def stopSapccmsr(self):    #{        # stop and start sapccmsr via command line        if self.sapccmsrFound:        #{            self.stoppedSapccmsr = 1 # may it restart later            log.log("Try to stop %s - please wait" % self.sapccmsrExe)            watchProcess(self.sapccmsrExe + " pf=" + trex.instanceProfile() + " -j2ee -stop")            time.sleep(7)        #}end if     #}  end stopSapccmsr    # start the sapccmsr, but only if we have it stopped. or if required    def restartSapccmsr(self):    #{        log.debug("stopped: %d  restart: %d" % (self.stoppedSapccmsr, switches.restartFlag))        if self.stoppedSapccmsr == 0 and switches.restartFlag == 0: return        # yes we did stop it and may restart it        prefix = (os.name=='nt') and 'start "sapccmsr" ' or ""        log.log("Try to start %s" % self.sapccmsrExe)        standalone = (not agents.registered()) and "-standalone" or ""        cmd =prefix + self.sapccmsrExe + " pf=" + trex.instanceProfile() + standalone + " -j2ee -DCCMS"        if not os.system(cmd):            self.sapccmsrStarted = 1    #} end restartSapccmsr    # restart the 'saposcol' agent; check if running before    def restartSaposcol(self):    #{        if not self.saposcolFound: return # sorry, but we have no access to the programs        if self.saposcolStarted:         return # we have it alredy restarted, dont do it twice        wasRunning = self.saposcolRunning()        if wasRunning:            watchProcess(self.saposcolExe + " -k")  # kill        if switches.restartFlag or wasRunning:            watchProcess(self.saposcolExe + " -l")  # launch            self.saposcolStarted = 1    #}    #restart the agents, if they have been found    def restart(self):    #{        log.tag("Agents")        if self.saposcolFound and not self.saposcolStarted: self.restartSaposcol()        if self.sapccmsrFound and not self.sapccmsrStarted:        #{            self.stopSapccmsr()    # stops it only if already running            self.restartSapccmsr()        #}    #}    def registerCcms(self):    #{        # if on other host registration hast been done, use their connection config files        for f in ( "csmconf", "passwd"):            src=os.path.join(trex.trexTemplates(),f)            dst=os.path.join(agents.sapccmsrPath(),f)            if os.path.exists(src):                if not os.path.exists(dst) or self.handler.isNewer(src,dst): self.handler.copyFile(src,dst)        log.log("Notice: answer to question '[optional] monitored system I28 belongs to system group' must be 'TREX_Systems'")        cmd = self.sapccmsrExe + " pf=" + trex.instanceProfile() + " -j2ee -R"        if os.name=='nt': cmd += " -noservice"  # avoid sapccmsr to register itself as windows service        log.debug("Executing system(%s)" % cmd)        if not os.system(cmd):            log.log("sapccmsr has been registered")            # copy connection files generated to global location for registration later on evenutally clones            # saprc.ini is created on registration, need not ot be copied            for f in ( "csmconf", "passwd"):                src=os.path.join(agents.sapccmsrPath(),f)                dst=os.path.join(trex.trexTemplates(),f)                if os.path.exists(src): self.handler.copyFile(src,dst)        # not more needed because of '-noservice' option:        #if os.name=='nt':        #    self.stopSapccmsr()         #    service="SAPCCMSR.%s" % trex.trexInstance()        #    log.log("Sapccmsr for TREX cannot run as windows service, thus removing it from services list")        #    watchProcess("sc delete " + service)    #}    def registered(self): # if csmconf and saprfc.ini exist, sapccmsr has been registred        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(agents.sapccmsrPath(),"csmconf")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(agents.sapccmsrPath(),"saprfc.ini"))    def unregisterCcms(self):        cmd = self.sapccmsrExe + " pf=" + trex.instanceProfile() + " -j2ee -U"        log.debug("Executing system(%s)" % cmd)        if not os.system(cmd):            log.log("sapccmsr has been unregistered")    def grmgPath(self):     return self.grmg    def sapccmsrPath(self): return self.sapccmsr    def logmonPath(self):   return self.logmon    def procmonPath(self):  return self.procmon    def sapccmsrIni(self):  return os.path.join(self.sapccmsr, "sapccmsr.ini")    def notInstalled(self):       return self.saposcolFound == 0 or self.sapccmsrFound == 0    def setIsLastMonitored(self): self.lastTrexMonitored = 1    def getIsLastMonitored(self): return self.lastTrexMonitored == 1
#}  end Agents
#   FileHandler: all file handling, text pattern matching, text file changes
_readFileFlags = os.O_RDONLY
_readFileMode = 0444
_writeFileFlags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC
_writeFileMode = 0666
_copyFileBuffSize = 102400 # 100k
if os.__dict__.has_key('O_BINARY'):    _readFileFlags |= os.O_BINARY    _writeFileFlags |= os.O_BINARY
class FileHandler:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        self.patterns     = []        self.replacements = []        self.regexps      = []        self.ONLY_ONCE    = 1        self.bsbs=        re.compile(r'[\\]') # see doubleBS    #}    #-- doubleBS --  redouble all backslashes    # special handling of f''ing backslash handling on re.sub: doubl'em all before:    def doubleBS(self, str):        return self.bsbs.sub('\x5C\x5c\x5C\x5c', str) # the string means really '\\\\'    def addPattern(self, pattern, replacement = None):    #{        log.debug("Pattern [%s]" % pattern)        log.debug("Replace [%s]" % replacement)        self.patterns.    append(pattern)        self.replacements.append(replacement)        self.regexps.     append(re.compile(pattern))    #}    def setPattern(self, pattern, replacement = None):    #{        log.debug("Pattern [%s]" % pattern)        log.debug("Replace [%s]" % replacement)        self.patterns =     [ pattern ]        self.replacements = [ replacement ]        self.regexps =      [ re.compile(pattern) ]    #}    #-- convertFile --    # copy text files, replace lines if pattern and replacement(s) defined    # switch off pattern matching, if onlyOnce != 0 and one pattern matched    def convertFile(self, inFileName, outFileName = None, onlyOnce = 0):    #{        if outFileName is None:        #{            outFileName = inFileName            inFileName = inFileName + ".bak"            self.renameFile(outFileName, inFileName)        #}        log.log("Transpose " + inFileName + " to " + outFileName)        inFile = None;        outFile = None;        found = 0        try:        #{            inFile = open(inFileName, "r")            outFile = open(outFileName, "w+")            matching = (len(self.patterns) > 0)            while 1:            #{                line = inFile.readline()                if line == "": break   # eof reached                if matching:                #{                    for index in range(0, len(self.patterns)):                     #{                        tupel = self.regexps[index].subn(self.replacements[index], line, 1)                        if tupel[1]:                        #{                            line = tupel[0]                            log.debug("    replace line with [" + self.patterns[index] + "] by " + line[0:-1])                            found = 1                            if (onlyOnce): matching = 0                            break                        #}                    #}                #}                outFile.write(line)            #}            inFile.close()            outFile.close()         #}        except Exception,e :            if inFile != None: inFile.close()            if outFile != None: outFile.close()            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("FileHandler aborted")        return found    #}  end convertFile    def matchFile(self, inFileName): # find only the first matching line    #{        log.debug("Match file " + inFileName )        self.matched = ""        result = 0        inFile = None        try:        #{            if not os.access(inFileName, os.F_OK): return 0            inFile = open(inFileName, "r")            matching = (len(self.patterns) > 0)            while 1:            #{                line = inFile.readline()                if line == "": break   # eof reached                if matching:                    for index in [0, len(self.patterns) - 1]:                     #{                        if self.regexps[index].match(line):                            log.debug("    found [" + self.patterns[index]+ "] in line [" + line[0:-1] + "]")                            self.matched = line                            result = 1                            break                    #}                if (result == 1): break            #}            inFile.close()        #}        except:            if inFile != None: inFile.close()            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("FileHandler aborted")        return result    #}    #-- purgeFile --    # copy text files, omit lines where the pattern match    # switch off pattern matching, if onlyOnce != 0 and one pattern matched    def purgeFile(self, fileName, onlyOnce = 0):    #{        log.log("Purge file " + fileName )        inFileName = fileName + ".bak"        outFileName = fileName        self.renameFile(fileName, inFileName);        inFile = None;        outFile = None;        found = 0        try:        #{            inFile = open(inFileName, "r")            outFile = open(outFileName, "w+")            matching = (len(self.patterns) > 0)            while 1:            #{                line = inFile.readline()                if line == "": break   # eof reached                if matching:                #{                    found = 0                    for index in [0, len(self.patterns) - 1]:                     #{                        if self.regexps[index].match(line):                        #{                            log.debug("    found [" + self.patterns[index]+ "] in line [" + line[0:-1] + "]")                            found = 1                            if (onlyOnce): matching = 0                            break                        #}                    #}                #}                if not found: outFile.write(line)            #}            inFile.close()            outFile.close()         #}        except Exception,e :            if inFile != None: inFile.close()            if outFile != None: outFile.close()            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("FileHandler aborted")        return found    #}  end convertFile    def extractString(self, inFileName): # find only the first matching line    #{        log.debug("Extract string from file %s" % inFileName)        result = None        inFile = None        try:        #{            if not os.access(inFileName, os.F_OK): return None            inFile = open(inFileName, "r")            matching = (len(self.patterns) > 0)            while result == None:            #{                line = inFile.readline()                if line == "": break   # eof reached                if matching:                    for index in [0, len(self.patterns) - 1]:                     #{                        tupel = self.regexps[index].subn(self.replacements[index], line, 1)                        if tupel[1]:                        #{                            result = tupel[0]                            if result[-1] == "\n": result = result[0:-1]                            log.debug("    extract line with [" + self.patterns[index] + "] : [" + result + "]")                            break                        #}                    #}            #}            inFile.close()        #}        except:            if inFile != None: inFile.close()            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("FileHandler aborted")        return result    #}    # do a binary copy !    def copyFile (self, inFileName, outFileName):    #{        log.debug("Copy file %s to %s" % ( inFileName, outFileName ) )        # no exceptions caught!        fdFrom = -1        fdTo = -1        try:            fdFrom = os.open(inFileName, _readFileFlags, _readFileMode)            if fdFrom == -1:                raise Abort, 'Cannot open file "%s" for reading' % inFileName            fdTo = os.open(outFileName, _writeFileFlags, _writeFileMode)            if fdTo == -1:                raise Abort, 'Cannot open file "%s" for writing' % outFileName            while 1:                s = os.read(fdFrom, _copyFileBuffSize)                if os.write(fdTo, s) != len(s):                    raise Abort, 'Error writing to file "%s"' % fdTo                if len(s) != _copyFileBuffSize:                    break        finally:            if fdFrom != -1:                os.close(fdFrom)            if fdTo != -1:                os.close(fdTo)                st = os.stat(inFileName)                os.utime(outFileName, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))        return    #}    def renameFile(self, inFileName, outFileName):    #{        try:            if (os.access(outFileName, os.F_OK)):            #{                os.remove(outFileName)  # in order to avoid  OSError on already existent outFileName            #}            os.rename(inFileName, outFileName)            log.debug("renamed %s to %s" % ( inFileName, outFileName))         except:            raise Abort("Could not rename " + inFileName + " to " + outFileName)    #}    def removeFile(self, fileName, mustExist=None):    #{        log.debug("Removing file %s" % fileName)        if not os.access(fileName, os.F_OK):            if (mustExist): Abort("File %s must exist" % fileName)        else:            os.remove(fileName)            log.log("Removed file %s" % fileName)    #}    def appendToFile(self, fileName, text):    #{        log.debug("Append to file " + fileName)        f = None        try:            f = open(fileName, "a")            log.log("Append to %s line [%s]" % (fileName, text))            f.write(text)            f.write("\n")            f.close()        except:            if not f is None: f.close            raise    #}    def existFile(self, fileName):    #{        log.debug("Check existence of %s" % fileName)        result = 0        try:            result = os.access(fileName, os.F_OK)        except:             raise Abort("Error in file " + fileName)        return result    #}    def makeLink(self, existing, target):    #{        already=0        try:            fs = os.lstat(target) # we are really on UNIX!            already=1        except:            pass        if already: # we are shure, the file exists, "and hopefully is no directory"            log.debug("Symblic link %s already existing, removing first." % target)            os.remove(target)        os.symlink(existing, target)    #}    # compare modification date; src, dst have to exist    def isNewer(self,src,dst):    #{        s = os.stat(src)        d = os.stat(dst)        return s.st_mtime > d.st_mtime    #}
#}  end FileHandler
#     ManageCCMS: install Parameter Monitoring feature 
class ManageCCMS:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        log.tag("Manage CCMS")        log.debug("initializing")        self.handler = FileHandler()        if os.name == "nt":            self.sharedLib = "TrexCCMS.dll"        else:        #{            if os.uname()[0] == "HP-UX":                self.sharedLib = "TrexCCMS.sl"            else:                self.sharedLib = "TrexCCMS.so"        #}        self.notmore  = """# TREX Plugin is not more needed, its work is done by TREXNameServer, sapccmsr is for delivery to R/3"""        self.template = """
### Configuration file for CCMS agents SAPCCMSR, SAPCM3X and SAPCCM4X
### Format of entries for plugins:
# PlugIn <file> trace
""" + self.notmore + """
# PlugIn %s
### Format of entries for logfile monitoring:
#  LogFile <full path of logfile template>
### Format of entries for the option to delete trees if no corresponding logfile exists:
### This Parameter is optional, if not specified the tree still remains
#  LogFileParam DelTree
### Format of entries for mechanism to filter out SAPOSCOL values:
# OsColFile <full path of oscolfile template>
### Do not monitor Java instance
Suppress aljsflib
""" % os.path.join(trex.trexMain(), "exe", self.sharedLib)    #}  end __init__    def check(self):        log.debug("switched " + ("off", "on")[switches.ccmsFlag])        return switches.ccmsFlag    def run(self):        log.log(" ")        if switches.installing(): self.install()        else:                     self.uninstall()    def install(self):    #{        log.log("Installing CCMS parameter reporting")        #-- add DIR_LOGGING to instance profile, if missing        agents.addDirLogging()        #-- handle sapccmsr.ini - the agent configuration file        sharedlib  = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), self.sharedLib)        configHandler = FileHandler()        if not os.access(agents.sapccmsrIni(), os.F_OK):        #{            # install our sapccms.ini template            agents.checkDir(agents.sapccmsrPath())            of = open(agents.sapccmsrIni(), "w+")            of.write(self.template)            of.close()        else:        #   check if the agent plug-in is already inside the sapccmsr.ini file            configHandler.addPattern(r'^([ \t]*PlugIn)')            if configHandler.matchFile(agents.sapccmsrIni()):                configHandler.setPattern(r'^([ \t]*PlugIn.*)', self.notmore+"\n# PlugIn " + configHandler.doubleBS(sharedlib))            else:            #{                configHandler.setPattern( r'^(#[ \t]*PlugIn <file>.*)',                                          "# PlugIn <file> trace # "+self.notmore ) # PlugIn " + configHandler.doubleBS(sharedlib))            #}            configHandler.renameFile(agents.sapccmsrIni(), agents.sapccmsrIni() + ".bak")            configHandler.convertFile(agents.sapccmsrIni() + ".bak", agents.sapccmsrIni(), self.handler.ONLY_ONCE);         #}        if switches.registFlag:            agents.registerCcms()        trex.addCcmsToProfile(agents.registered())        configHandler.setPattern(r'^ccms/enable_agent.*',r'ccms/enable_agent=1')  sapprofile = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(),"sapprofile.ini")  configHandler.convertFile(sapprofile)        log.log("CCMS parameter reporting installed.")    #} install()    def uninstall(self):    #{        log.log("Deinstalling CCMS parameter reporting")        self.handler.setPattern("^[ \t]*PlugIn.*","# PluginIn")         self.handler.purgeFile(agents.sapccmsrIni())        if switches.unregistFlag:            agents.unregisterCcms()        trex.delCcmsFromProfile()        log.log("CCMS parameter reporting deinstalled.")    #}  uninstall()
#}  end ManageCCMS
#     ManageLogMonitor: bring Log File Monitor templates to 'logmon' directory
class ManageLogMonitor:
#{     def __init__(self):    #{        log.tag("Manage LogMonitor")        log.debug("initializing")        self.files = [            "Daemon_logmon.ini",            "IndexServer_logmon.ini",            "NameServer_logmon.ini",            "Preprocessor_logmon.ini",            "QueueServer_logmon.ini",            "WebServer_logmon.ini",            "RfcServer_logmon.ini" ]        self.handler = FileHandler()        rep1 = "DIRECTORY=" + trex.makePath("trace")        rep2 = 'MONITOR_CONTEXT="TREX on ' + trex.trexHost() + " instance " + trex.trexInstance()+ ' - log files"'        self.handler.addPattern("^DIRECTORY=.*$",        self.handler.doubleBS(rep1))        self.handler.addPattern("^MONITOR_CONTEXT=.*$",  self.handler.doubleBS(rep2))    #}    def check(self):        log.debug("switched " + ("off", "on")[switches.logmonFlag])        return switches.logmonFlag    def run(self):        log.log(" ")        if switches.installing(): self.install()        else:                     self.uninstall()    def install(self):    #{        #-- add DIR_LOGGING to instance profile, if missing        agents.addDirLogging()        #-- create 'logmon' directory        self.installPath = agents.logmonPath() # 'logmon' subdirectory        if not os.path.exists(self.installPath):            try:                os.makedirs(self.installPath)            except:                tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)                for l in tr: log.error(l)                raise Abort('Cannot create directory "%s"' % self.installPath)        for file in self.files:        #{            inFile = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), "CCMS", file)            outfile = os.path.join(self.installPath, trex.trexSid() + "_" + trex.trexInstance() + "_" + trex.baseName() + "_" + file)            # outfile is like SID_03_P102183_IndexServer_logmon.ini            self.handler.convertFile(inFile, outfile)        #}        log.log("Log monitoring installed.")    #}    def uninstall(self):    #{        self.installPath = agents.logmonPath() # 'logmon' subdirectory        for file in self.files:        #{            iniFile = os.path.join(self.installPath, trex.trexSid() + "_" + trex.trexInstance() + "_" + trex.baseName() + "_" + file)            self.handler.removeFile(iniFile)        #}        log.log("Log monitoring deinstalled.")        #}
#}  end ManageLogMonitor
#      set up Process Monitoring: bring 'dev_proc' file to saposcol working dir
class ManageProcessMonitor:
#{     def __init__(self):    #{        log.tag("Manage ProcessMonitor")        log.debug("initializing")        self.handler = FileHandler()        self.monitorFile = os.path.join(agents.procmonPath(), trex.trexSid() + "_" + trex.trexInstance() + "_procmon.ini")        self.handler.addPattern(".*TREX.*")        self.handler.addPattern(".*httpd.*")        if (os.name == "nt"):            self.templateFile = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), "CCMS", "W2K", "dev_proc")  # Windows version is in subdirectory            self.template = """$PROC
*dllhost.exe*           MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*Inetinfo.exe*          MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*sapccmsr.exe*          MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*saposcol.exe*          MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*python.exe*            MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*TREXDaemon.exe*        MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*TREXPreprocessor.exe*  MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
$"""        else:            self.templateFile = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), "CCMS", "dev_proc")            self.template = """$PROC
*httpd*                 MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*sapccmsr*              MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*saposcol*              MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*python*                MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*trx.sap%s_TRX%s*       MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
*TREXPreprocessor.x*    MTE_CLASS=TREX_PROC
$""" % ( trex.trexSid(), trex.trexInstance() )    # *TREXDaemon.x* has been renamed by sapstartsrv to *trx.sapSID_TRX92*    #}  end __init__    def check(self):        log.debug("switched " + ("off", "on")[switches.procmonFlag])        return switches.procmonFlag    def run(self):        log.log(" ")        if switches.installing(): self.install()        else:                     self.uninstall()    def install(self):    #{        agents.checkDir(agents.procmonPath()) # mkdirs if not existent        f = file(self.monitorFile, "w+") # truncate if existent        f.write(self.template)        f.close()        log.log("File created: %s" % self.monitorFile)
#DEL    if (self.handler.existFile(self.monitorFile)):
#DEL        if self.handler.matchFile(self.monitorFile):
#DEL            log.log("Trex Process Monitoring already installed in %s; has not been overwritten." % self.monitorFile);
#DEL            return
#DEL        else:
#DEL            # insert the template entries into it 
#DEL            self.handler.setPattern("^[$]$", self.template)
#DEL            self.handler.convertFile(self.monitorFile)
#DEL            agents.restartSaposcol();
#DEL    else:
#DEL        self.handler.copyFile(self.templateFile, self.monitorFile)        log.log("Trex Process monitoring installed.")    #}    def uninstall(self):        self.handler.removeFile(self.monitorFile)        log.log("Trex Process monitoring deinstalled")
#DEL    if (self.handler.matchFile(self.monitorFile)):
#DEL    #{
#DEL        if (agents.getIsLastMonitored()):
#DEL            self.handler.purgeFile(self.monitorFile)
#DEL            log.log("Trex Process monitoring deinstalled")
#DEL            agents.restartSaposcol();
#DEL        else: 
#DEL            log.debug("This is not last Trex instance, Process Monitoring remains installed.")
#DEL    #}
#DEL    else:
#DEL        log.log("Process monitoring was already deinstalled.")
#}  end ManageProcessMonitor
#     install GRMG Heart Beat: bring GRMG.installed.xml to 'GRMG' subdirectory
class ManageGrmg:
#{    def __init__(self):    #{        log.tag("Manage Grmg Heartbeat")        log.debug("initializing")        self.httpdUrl = ""        self.uploader = FileHandler()        self.uploaderFile = os.path.join(agents.grmgPath(), "GRMG_config." +  trex.trexSid() + "_" + trex.trexInstance() + "." + trex.baseName() + ".xml")        self.daemonConfig = trex.makePath("TREXDaemon.ini")     #}            def check(self):        log.debug("switched " + ("off", "on")[switches.grmgFlag])        return switches.grmgFlag     def run(self):        log.log(" ")        if switches.installing(): self.install()        else:                     self.uninstall()    def install(self):        self.daemon = Daemon()        agents.addDirLogging() #-- add DIR_LOGGING to instance profile, if missing        self.installConfigFile()        self.installUploadFile()        self.activateGrmg()        log.log("GRMG Heart Beat installed.")    def httpInstalled(self):        is_installed = "X"        not_installed = ""        c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()        c.OPTCRE = re.compile(r'(?P<option>[^:=\s][^:=]*)(\s*(?P<vi>[:=])\s*)?(?P<value>.*)$')        c.read([os.path.join(trex.trexHome(), "TREXWebServer.ini")])        try:    url = c.get("HTTPSERVER", "URL")        except: url = ""        try:    url_iis = c.get("HTTPSERVER", "URL_IIS")        except: url_iis = ""        try:    url_apache = c.get("HTTPSERVER", "URL_APACHE")        except: url_apache = ""        if url == "http://XXXhostnameXXX:XXXhttpServerPortXXX/TREXHttpServer/TrexIsapiExt.dll": return not_installed        if url:                               self.httpdUrl = url;        return is_installed        if os.name != 'posix' and url_iis   : self.httpdUrl = url_iis;    return is_installed        if os.name == 'posix' and url_apache and self.daemon.webServerActive():                                              self.httpdUrl = url_apache; return is_installed        return not_installed    def httpUrl(self):        if self.httpdUrl: return self.httpdUrl.replace("$(SAPLOCALHOST)",trex.trexHost()).replace("$(SAPSYSTEM)",trex.trexInstance())  + "?CMD=PING"        return ""    def installConfigFile(self):    #{        isPort = self.daemon.indexServerPort() or trex.indexServerPort() # only if first value is 0, take second        isFlag = (isPort>0) and "X" or ""        qsPort = self.daemon.queueServerPort() or trex.queueServerPort()        qsFlag = (qsPort>0) and "X" or ""        psPort = self.daemon.preproServerPort() or trex.preproServerPort()        psFlag = (psPort>0) and "X" or ""        nsPort = self.daemon.nameServerPort() or trex.nameServerPort()        nsFlag = (nsPort>0) and "X" or ""        csPort = self.daemon.cruiserServerPort() or trex.cruiserServerPort()        csFlag = (csPort>0) and "X" or ""        # formerly # fileName = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), "python_support", "grmg", "installed.xml")        fileName = os.path.join(trex.trexHome(), "TREXGrmgServer.xml")        outFile = open(fileName, "w+")        configLines = [            '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ,            '<components>' ,            '   <component name="IS_01" installed="%s">'         % isFlag,            '       <property name="HOST" value="localhost"/>' ,            '       <property name="PORT" value="%s"/>'          % isPort,            '   </component>' ,            '   <component name="QS_01" installed="%s">'         % qsFlag,            '       <property name="HOST" value="localhost"/>' ,            '       <property name="PORT" value="%s"/>'          % qsPort,            '   </component>' ,            '   <component name="PP_01" installed="%s">'         % psFlag,            '       <property name="HOST" value="localhost"/>' ,            '       <property name="PORT" value="%s"/>'          % psPort,            '   </component>' ,            '   <component name="NS_01" installed="%s">'         % nsFlag,            '       <property name="HOST" value="localhost"/>' ,            '       <property name="PORT" value="%s"/>'          % nsPort,            '   </component>' ,            '   <component name="CS_01" installed="%s">'         % csFlag,            '       <property name="HOST" value="localhost"/>' ,            '       <property name="PORT" value="%s"/>'          % csPort,            '   </component>' ,            '   <component name="WS_01" installed="%s">'         % self.httpInstalled(),            '       <property name="URL" value="%s"/>'           % self.httpUrl(),            '   </component>' ,            '</components>'            ]        for line in configLines:        #{            outFile.write(line + '\n')            log.debug("config line: " + line)        #}        outFile.close        log.log("Created GRMG configuration file: " + fileName)    #} installConfigFile()    def scenarios(self):    #{        component = """                                <component>                                        <compname>%s</compname>                                        <compversion>01</compversion>                                        <comptype>Not Used</comptype>                                        <comptexts>                                                <comptext>                                                        <complangu>EN </complangu>                                                        <compdesc>%s</compdesc>                                                </comptext>                                        </comptexts>                                        <properties>                                                <property>                                                        <propname>foo</propname>                                                        <proptype/>                                                        <propvalue> bar</propvalue>                                                </property>                                        </properties>                                </component>\n"""        components = ""        if self.daemon.indexServerPort()  > -1: components += component % ( "IS_01", "IndexServer" )        if self.daemon.queueServerPort()  > -1: components += component % ( "QS_01", "QueueServer" )        if self.daemon.preproServerPort() > -1: components += component % ( "PP_01", "PreProcessor" )        if self.daemon.nameServerPort()   > -1: components += component % ( "NS_01", "NameServer" )        if self.daemon.cruiserServerPort()> -1: components += component % ( "CS_01", "Cruiser" )        if self.daemon.webServerActive()      : components += component % ( "WS_01", "WebServer" )        grmgDescription = "TREX %s on host %s" % ( trex.trexInstance(), trex.trexHost() )        grmgServerUrl   = "http://%s:%d/"      % ( trex.trexHost(),     self.grmgPort )        header = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><customizing>        <control>                <grmgruns>X</grmgruns>                <runlog>X</runlog>                <errorlog>X</errorlog>        </control>        <scenarios>                <scenario>                        <scenname>TREX</scenname>                        <scenversion></scenversion>                        <sceninst>001</sceninst>                        <scentype>URL</scentype>                        <scenstarturl>%s</scenstarturl>                        <scenstartmod>Not Used</scenstartmod>                        <scentexts>                                <scentext>                                        <scenlangu>EN</scenlangu>                                        <scendesc>%s</scendesc>                                </scentext>                        </scentexts>                        <components>\n""" % ( grmgServerUrl, grmgDescription )        footer = """                        </components>                </scenario>        </scenarios></customizing>"""        self.xml = header + components + footer        log.debug("Following text will be content of GRMG upload file " + self.uploaderFile)        log.debug(self.xml)    #}  scenarios()    def installUploadFile(self):    #{                self.grmgPort = 30000 + (int(trex.trexInstance()) * 100) + 6        configHtml = os.path.join(trex.trexHost(), "doc", "TrexInstallationSummary.html")         while self.portIsInUse(self.grmgPort, configHtml):        #{            self.grmgPort += 1        #}
#        if 0:
#            self.uploader.addPattern("(.*<scendesc>).*(</scendesc>)", r'\1TREX %s on host %s\2' % (trex.trexInstance(), trex.trexHost()) )
#            self.uploader.addPattern("(.*<scenstarturl>).*(</scenstarturl>)", r'\1http://%s:%d/\2' % (trex.trexHost(), self.grmgPort) )
#            templateFile = os.path.join(trex.trexExe(), "python_support", "grmg", "GRMG_config.xml")
#            self.uploader.convertFile(templateFile, self.uploaderFile)        self.scenarios()        try:            agents.checkDir(agents.grmgPath())            f = open(self.uploaderFile, "w")            f.write(self.xml)            f.close()        except:            tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)            for l in tr: log.error(l)            raise Abort("Creation of GRMG upload file %s aborted" % self.uploaderFile)        log.log("Created GRMG upload file " + self.uploaderFile)    #}    def portIsInUse(self, port, inFileName):        checker=">%d<td>" % port        fh = FileHandler();        fh.addPattern(checker)        return fh.matchFile(inFileName)    #   activate the GRMG daemon in the TREXDaemon.ini, correct the program start values    def activateGrmg(self):    #{        activator = FileHandler()        activator.addPattern(r'^programs\s*=[^#\n\r]*grmg')        if not (activator.matchFile(self.daemonConfig)):            log.log("Activating GRMG in TREXDaemon.ini")            activator.setPattern(r'(^programs\s*=[^#\n\r]*)', r'\1,grmg')            #OUT# program=trex.trexExe() + os.sep + "python_support" + os.sep + "grmg" + os.sep + "TREXgrmg.py"            #OUT# argline='arguments=%s %d' % (program, self.grmgPort)            #OUT# startdir=trex.trexExe() + os.sep + "python_support" + os.sep + "grmg"            #OUT# # here we are ONLY correct, if there are no extra lines with 'grmg': we should have an INI file class!            #OUT# activator.addPattern('^arguments=.*TREXgrmg.py', activator.doubleBS(argline))            #OUT# activator.addPattern('^startdir=[^#]*grmg', activator.doubleBS('startdir=' + startdir))            activator.convertFile(self.daemonConfig)        if not self.daemon.grmgSection():            lines = [            "",            "[grmg]",            "executable=python",            "arguments=TREXgrmg.py",            "startdir=${DIR_INSTANCE}/exe/python_support/grmg",            "instances=1",            "stdout=${SAP_RETRIEVAL_PATH}/trace/grmg.out",            "stderr=",            "flags=COMPRESSBACKUP"]            self.daemon.append(lines)        if os.name=="posix": os.system('TREXDaemon.x -reconfig')        else:                os.system('TREXDaemon.exe -reconfig')    #}  activateGrmg()    def uninstall(self):    #{        log.log("Deinstalling GRMG Heart Beat.")        # remove the xml file from /usr/sap/tmp/grmg        self.uploader.removeFile(self.uploaderFile)        # the files inside trex: installed.xml and the entry in TREXDaemon.ini        # are to be deleted by SAPINST deinstallator        self.uploader.setPattern("^([ \t]*programs[ \t]*[=][ \t]*)grmg[ \t]*[,]*(.*)",                                 r'\1\2') #delete "grmg" directly after 'programs'        self.uploader.addPattern("^([ \t]*programs[ \t]*=[^#]*)[,]+[ \t]*grmg(.*)",                                 r'\1\2') #delete ",grmg"        if self.uploader.matchFile(self.daemonConfig):            log.log("Deactivating GRMG in TREXDaemon.ini")            self.uploader.convertFile(self.daemonConfig)        log.log("GRMG Heart Beat deinstalled.")    #}    
#}  end ManageGrmg
#   main program, also used from ccms_deconfig.py
def main():
#{    result=0    global switches    switches = Options()    switches.check()    global log    try:    #{        log = Log("main", switches.debugFlag, switches.logfile)        log.separator()        if switches.installing():            log.log("ccms_config.py started: installing supportability features")        else:            log.log("ccms_deconfig.py started: uninstalling supportability features")                log.separator()        global testFAKER        testFAKER = TestFAKER()        global trex        trex = TrexHOME()        trex.check()        global agents        agents = Agents()        if agents.check():            agents.run()        # note: the following classes are dependend from trex,agents,switches,log        ccms = ManageCCMS()        if ccms.check():            ccms.run()        logmon = ManageLogMonitor()        if logmon.check():            logmon.run()        procmon = ManageProcessMonitor()        if procmon.check():            procmon.run()        grmg = ManageGrmg()        if grmg.check():            grmg.run()        if switches.restartFlag:            agents.restart()    #}    except Skip, s:        s.logging()        log.error("Supportability features installation skipped.")        log.log("Script may be started later by hand")         result=0      # report OK, but nothing could be done!    except Abort, a:        a.logging()        result=1        if switches.forceFlag: result = 0    except:        log.error("Caught an unexpected exception, aborted")        tr = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)        for l in tr: log.error(l)        result=1        if switches.forceFlag: result = 0    log.tag("main")    log.log("Finishing with result %d" % result)    log.separator()    return result
#}  end main
if __name__ == '__main__':    sys.exit(main())


Kindly Advise


Ahmad Salam

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