Scenario: scheduling agreement (JIT delivery schedule), 2 schedule lines.
In VL10C I select both schedule lines for the item and create delivery in dialog. The system cumulates both schedule line quantities into a single delivery item.
Requirement is to have each schedule line create an individual delivery item.
What I tried so far:
1. Change the user role in VL10C:
- option SplitSchedLine: set to 2 "One item per schedule line"
- Cumul.rule: tried all options, including leaving it blank
2. Manually changed cumulation quantities in VL10C (tried leavaing them to zero, making the equal to each schedule line's delivery qty etc.)
3. tried VL10E, same options as above.
SAP_APPL version SAPKH61707
Nothing I tried produced the desired results, system keeps cumulating the schedule lines into a single delivery quantity.
Please let me know if you managed to pull this one off and how.
Thank you in advance!