Hi I am new to HANA studio / BW on HANA,
I have couple of basic questions will be thankful if someone makes clear my these doubts.
1. When I login into HANA studio, under the SAP HANA Modeler when a system is added by Adding New System. What system is this ??? this is BW 7.4 system or HANA ECC system. Generally people say it HANA Server so what is this actaully. How this integrated with ECC system and BW7.4 system
2. Under Catalog folder I can see many schemas, these scehmas are coming from where?
3. Suppose I want to add a new schema in this so what to do . where I need to add ?
4. Most Importantly I can see few tables in TABLE folder under a Particular schema. So How I can add new table into this.