Hi Experts,
I am working on 850 inbound scenario, and I am using NWDS IFlow to configure the same.
Flow 1 (Dummy interface) -->AS2 Sender Adapter -->NO MAPPING --> (Dummy interface)EDISeparator Receiver Adapter
Flow 2 (SI_EDI850_004010_OB) --> EDISeparator Sender Adapter --> MAPPING --> (ORDERS.ORDER05) IDOC Receiver Adapter
Error in the Flow 1, not at all reaching the second flow -
Message could not be forwarded to the JCA adapter. Reason: {0}
When I checked the EDISeparator Sender and Receiver channel, I find the below entries -
EDISeparator Receiver channel logs
Message processing failed. Cause: javax.resource.ResourceException
EDISeparator Sender channel logs
'Cannot deliver message: com.sap.aii.af.lib.mp.module.ModuleException: Catching exception calling messaging system. will deliver negative 997 if requested.'
Followed the thread - B2B - EDI Separator sender channel with 'ModuleException' error , this solution is working fine when I am creating an ICO from swing tool. But, since I am using NWDS Tool I am not sure - where I can remove the SWCV from the iFlow so that it is not reflected in the ICO, created after deployment.
Please suggest.