While executing KSPI transaction system is giving the error message. we have done the following steps before executing the KSPI for Version 1. Please help me out,
- KP06-Manual Planning for Primary Cost Elements at Pool/General Cost Centers
- KP46-SKF Planning for Assessment receivers
- KP26-Activity Output Planning for Production Cost Centers
- KSUB-Plan Cost Assessment to Production Cost Centers
- KSS4-Plan Cost Split
- KSPI-Plan Activity Cost calculation. At this stage we are receiving the following error message
Error Message
No activity quantities are planned in controlling area for fiscal year , version and the objects you have specified.
System Response
The SAP System cannot calculate a price if no activity quantity exists. The iterative price calculation cannot therefore be processed.
Plan activity quantities and activity input in controlling area .
This message is surprising because as i would see planned cost in the reports we have already performed Activity Output Planning for the Production Cost Centers as well as Plan Cost Assessment.
Thanks & Regards,